Home / Salt River Senior Center
Our services are provided with the provisions of the Older Americans Act. This means that we are here to serve ALL people who have reached their 60th year (and their spouses). We do not discriminate based on national origin, race, religion, sex, weight, height, hair color, physical or mental limitations, or income.
Meals: Meals are served weekdays from noon to 1 PM (Holidays excluded). The suggested donation for these meals is $4.00. ANYONE who has reached their 60th birthday (and their spouses) are eligible for these meals.
Home Delivered Meals: Home delivered meals are available to those who have reached their 60th birthday and demonstrate a need for this service. The suggested donation for this service is $4.00 per meal. Contact the center office (885-3780) for more details.
Wheelchair Accessible Van Service: The center has a van that is wheelchair accessible. The van is used locally to transport clients to the center or to appointments. This service is first come first serve basis. It requires a 24 hours notice and availability of a driver. Currently, we only have one driver who need to be back to the center by 2 PM, so requests for van service must conform to that time.
Other Vehicles and Trips: The suggested donation for van services is $10 for those trips outside of the Afton service area and $4 for those trips within the service area. In order to make use of these services, it is necessary to call the center (885-3780) (24 hours notice). Trips outside the valley will not go without 6 passengers, scheduled trips may be cancelled at last minute. If there are insufficient reservations for a trip, the trip will be cancelled.
Loan Closet: We have crutches, walkers, toilet lifts, canes, shower chairs, etc. If the item you wish is available, we will loan it to you at no cost.
Library: We have an extensive collection of books available for loan. There are no restrictions on length of loan or number of items loaned.
Pool Playing (Billiards): The center has a pool table for your convenience. Stop by for a game of pool with the clients.
Exercise Equipment: exercise equipment can be used at the center.
Building for rent: The building can be rented for special occasions for $100.00 with a $50.00 deposit. If the building is cleaned and left as entered you will receive the deposit back.